- Learn the Proposed Legislation so you can discuss it. See it at: https://dev.homeownersfightback.com/
- Contact Patrick Johansen, Patrick@PK80.com to discuss the Proposed Legislation, objections and answers.
- News
- Create a list of entities to contact in national newspapers and broadcasting cable/tv news
- Create a list with contact information for reporters who have addressed housing or related subject (government problems)
- National Organizations
- Create a list of National Organizations and local/regional/national contacts
- Research to find the CEO and legislative lobbying leader of the organization.
- Set up tracking calendar where all members of this committee, and Patrick Johansen can see.
- Phone or email them and get the phone and email address of the leaders.
- Develop a “base” query and proposal letter-one that can be tweaked for each submission Send them the Proposed Legislative Changes and ask for their support and a time to discuss the Proposed Legislation. We want them to lobby for these changes.
- Please keep fellow members informed of your actions and progress by posting in the National Organizations Committee Chat
- Add more Reporters and State and National Organizations to the list and send them to Patrick Johansen, Patrick@PK80.com, to add to the National list so others in HRLNG will start writing and contacting them also.
- Bring more members to the News and Teach others to do the same.
- National Organizations
- National Association of Governors https://www.nga.org/
- National Association of Attorney’s General https://www.naag.org/
- Institute for Justice https://ij.org/
- National Real Estate Association
- Realtors Associations
- https://www.nar.realtor/rpac
- League of Women Voters
- Better Business Bureau
- https://covia.org/ Senior Housing non-profit also called Front Door
- Kaiser Permanente is a funder, which tells me the group has been vetted.
- phone 877-797-7299
- State Organizations
- News Connections
- Propublica.org Contacts Jesse Eisinger hello@propublica.org
- HRLNG Member Diane Perlman
- cnn.com/feedback-news tip
- 60 Minutes – 524 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019 60min@cbsnews.com investigates@cbsnews.com http://www.cbsnews.com/team/
- North Carolina The Charlotte Observer Ames Alexander aalexander@charlotteobserver.com (704) 999-7092
- North Carolina, Greensboro, WFMY news Channel 2 kkennedy@wfmy.com 336–379–9316
- Oregon, Portland KGW News Kyle Iboshi kiboshi@kgw.com (503) 226-5000 ; 0 1501 SW Jefferson St Portland, OR
- Washington Hannah Knowles KOMO TV Seattle WA hknowles@sbgtv.com
- Media Kit Project
- Media Kit Action Plan Proposal Total timeline 90 days.
- 30 to 60 for action items and 30 for final edit
- 1. Need to identify 3 to 5 members who’s HOA abuse is evidence based and aggreges.
- They must be willing to give media interviews in print, voice or camera.
- Gather evidence and summary
- a. Insurance fraud
- b. Harassment, slandering
- c. Accounting fraud
- d. Building neglect
- e. Contractor fraud or poor workmanship
- f. Attorney violations
- g. Illegal liens and fines
- 2. Need team with editorial skills or a flair for dramatic writing
- Need graphics people to design layout of media kit, video and photo editing.
- Create team of our experts willing to speak on camera.
- Create interview notecards to always be concise on our main points.
- Final rollout: mass attack.
- This project will be a HUGE effort.
- Once it is finished, however, we can send it out in the 1,000’s to outlets across the country.