I am writing you regarding a bipartisan issue affecting approximately 2.3 million constituents across Washington State: community associations.
According to the CAI (Community Associations Institute), about 31% of the residents in Washington live in a community association. I lived in an HOA for only a short time before I learned how terrible the HOA laws are in our state. There is very little recourse homeowners have when faced with a corrupt Board. Board Members can harass and bully members, take over the HOA for their own benefit and enrichment, and refuse to follow the laws and governing documents. The internet is rife with horror stories about HOAs. Here is a link to a piece that John Oliver (comedian) broadcasted to bring attention to this issue: Homeowners Associations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) – YouTube.
The lack of oversight and enforcement of the HOA laws in our state results in Board Members simply ignoring the laws (including rigging the elections, as they are in total control of the election process). Bringing a lawsuit, a homeowner’s only recourse, can take years to resolve through the courts and costs tens of thousands of dollars or more in attorney fees. The average homeowner can’t afford that.
Corrupt Board Members are at little risk as their attorney fees are paid for by the collective funds of the HOA and the HOA insurance. Meanwhile, homeowners have to risk their retirement savings and their homes.
While waiting for motions, trials and appeals, corrupt Boards have used their unchecked power to retaliate against the complaining homeowners by filing false CCR violations against them, refusing to maintain the common property related to their home, defaming them through the use of the weekly newsletters, Facebook page, Website and emailing the members while denying access to any of those to the complaining member(s). This is unacceptable.
I found a national group HRLNG (HOA Reform Leaders Nation Group) that recognizes these same problems exist in HOAs all over America. After soliciting feedback from homeowners in corrupt HOAs, HRLNG wrote a list of Proposed Legislation that outlines both problems and solutions. The Proposed Legislation is on this Website Page: https://dev.homeownersfightback.com/
I would like to arrange a Zoom meeting with you and one of the representatives from HRLNG to discuss their Proposed Legislation. If you read the Proposed Legislation, I believe you will agree that it would dramatically reduce the illegal and unethical actions of the Boards and Property Managers that are currently plaguing YOUR STATE homeowners. It’s time to provide some much-needed relief to YOUR STATE homeowners. The Proposed Legislation is at https://dev.homeownersfightback.com/
Would you suggest some dates and times that we could schedule an hour with you to discuss these issues?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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