Proofs of high levels of corruption and dissatisfaction in HOAs.

HOA CBS News with Office of Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle (Uses term Dictatorial starts at 8:50 in the video) and House Representative Juan Carlos Porras

And recently this message from Miami-Dade County, Florida, State Attorney General Katherine Fernandez Rundle.

Recently Raelene Schifano, of HOA Fight Club, did a study on Sheriff Sales due to Foreclosure in several counties the Seattle area of Washington State. About 90% of foreclosures are properties in HOA/COA associations.

Just one HOA Reform site that has over 200,000 members from all over the nation, all discussing the SAME ISSUES that HRLNG has talked about. There are many other HOA Reform sites where you will see all the same types of complaints. Please excuse the name, this is not my site, I didn’t choose the name.

And the fact that GEICO, has created a commercial that displays the more mild miseries of living in an HOA. GEICO would not produce and pay to show this commercial if did not have statistics showing that this was an extremely widespread problem throughout the USA so that the majority of their potential customers could relate to it. Please see

Her mortgage was paid, but she still lost her house. It was sold to her HOA for $3.24
How Florida laws changed after the Surfside collapse.

“Recipe for fraud”: The alleged scam that rocked South Florida’s biggest HOA