HOA Reform Group Locating Committee Instructions

We ask each member to take just 15 minutes per day to work finding HOA Reform Sites where one can make comments or contact the members.  Please to make it a habit, a few minutes per day can make a big difference.  As you find them please add them to the list below.  If they are not a good fit for us, please note that and why, after the name.

Please message me though Facebook as you add new sites so I can pass them on to the membership team to start posting there.

Our job is to find HOA Reform sites on other platforms besides Facebook.   HOA Reform sites are sites where people come to complain about their HOA.     Sites like HOA Fight Club, HOA Reform;Stop the Abuse, or American Coalition of HOA Homeowners. All of these are on Facebook.  We believe we have found all the sites and Facebook and want to start looking at other platforms.

We have a list of other platforms and are also looking for more.   Here is our current list but check with your Chair they will have the newest information that they will email you:

Platform list

  1. Baidu Tieba
  2. Discord  Amanda Checked 7.7.23 – no results for usual search terms. “HOA” by itself was too broad and returned mostly hits in which the titles contained those three letters within other words/phrases.
  3. Douban 
  4. Facebook  (Skip, has been searched thoroughly and found all the groups – see below)
  5. Instagram
  6. Line
  7. LinkedIn  7.11.23 Amanda and Bio are working on, but if you’d like to jump in, please contact Bio and she can let you know where to pick up. Thanks!
  8. Medium  (Skip, searched and could not find HOA Reform Groups)
  9. Messenger
  10. MeWe  (Skip, we looked but could not find HOA Reform Groups)
  11. Parlor
  12. Pinterest  Michelle McBride-Looney is searching for this one.  She is in Membership Committee
  13. QQ
  14. Quora
  15. Qzone
  16. Reddit (In progress – see below)
  17. Sina Weibo
  18. Slack
  19. Telegram
  20. TikTok
  21. Tumblr
  22. Twitch
  23. Twitter (Complete – see notes below)
  24. Viber
  25. Vimeo
  26. WeChat
  27. WhatsApp (N/A – Whatsapp is a private messaging app, so it involves knowing individual people’s phone numbers. It’s like texting on your phone but encrypted, etc. To my [Amanda’s] knowledge, this isn’t useful for our purposes – correct me if I’m wrong!)
  28. YouTube (In progress – see below)
  29. HOA Warrior www.hoawarrior.com/grassroots.html        This site lists other sites that need research

By the time you read this there may be more.   Pick one that isn’t already been researched and that someone else isn’t already working on.  The full list will be in the document that your Committee Chair emails you.  

Lets use Facebook just as an example because we know you already are on Facebook.

Please open Facebook.    You should see a list of groups come up.  You would open the first in a second tab or window.  We are not looking for Facebook sites (called Pages in Facebook) that are owned by HOAs.  We are looking for groups of people that are complaining about their HOAs.

As you page down you will see groups.   Open those groups and explore what they are.   Some will require you to sign in, go ahead and do so, you can always quit when you are done.  Look for what the group is about, is it all or mostly HOA related.  If so copy and paste the name of the site and take the http address from your search bar and paste them in to an email. 

Use other search words that you feel would find what we are looking for like HOA, Homeowners Association, Home Owners Association, Homeowner Association, Home Owner Association, COA, Condo Association, Condo, CIC, Common Interest Communities, POA, Property Owners Association, and other search words you think might be relevant.

The leave that site and investigate the next site on your search.

Don’t burn yourself out, just work 15 minutes a day or so.  Before you quit for the day, send that list to your Chairs so they can enter the information into the master doc and send you an updated copy. Then just do the same the next day until the team has found all the sites in all the platforms. 

Look at the Site Lists below. Nothing for you to do with the except read them a few times so that you don’t go through the trouble of researching them again. 

Thanks for joining HRLNG and helping out.   Hopefully your children and grandchildren will be able to live without fear in their homes due to your work now.

Site List This is a list of all the sites we have found, at the time this was written but check with your Chair for the latest update list.

If there are no notes, feel free to check.

Membership committee can use/visit those listed here that have notes.

Dead/irrelevant sites listed below under item no. 4.

1. Facebook



  • HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (Condo & Co-Op HOA) – Bio joined and posted.
  • Condo HOA Money – Bio joined and posted.



  • Current members/Have Contact
  • George K. Staropoli @HOAGOV  Current HRLNG member.
  • Cal HOA Alliance @NorCalHOA  Current HRLNG member.
  • Forever Logical  8/06/23 This Twitter made one post about HOAs on 7/29/23, but no others that I saw. I posted re: HRLNG in response to the specific tweet about HOAs. Maybe check into again in the future to see if there’s more later.
  • HOA Fightclub, Nonprofit @SchifanoRaelene  Current HRLNG member


  • HOA Oversight & Reform Coalition – Washington, DC @ReformHoa66131
  • The HOA Show Podcast @thehoashow  
  • HOA Reform @HoaReform  Texas HOA/POA Reform   @TexasHOA_Reform
  • HOA Reform Now!  @HOAReformNow 
  • Evan McKenzie @evanmck   **Dr. McKenzie is the pre-eminent scholar that works on HOA reform (the Privatopia books are his). If we have not made contact with him, it is crucial that we do.
  • Homeowner Smart   @HomeownerSmart
  • HomeownershipSF @HomeownershipSF
  • Minnesota Homeownership Center  @MNHOC
  • Black Homeownership   @BlackHomeOwners
  • Deborah Goonan  @IndependentAmCo
  • HAARRT   @HAARRT_net
  • GDWCAR   @GDWCAR_members   *NOTE: This is a Realtors’ association. May 4, 2021 “Fed Up with HOA Overreach? Texas lawmakers are making decisions about HOA reform. Your story can help hold HOAs more accountable! Share your story by scanning the QR Code or by visiting: https://myhoastory.com #HOA #HOAReform #HOAOverreach/”


  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5kkeAQwOLFl0oXH5QrTn-A (make a comment on each video.  Site is dead, comments could invite people to HRLNG)
  • Last Week Tonight, John Oliver, “Homeowners Associations,” aired Apr. 9, 2023, YouTube posting.
    • Homeowners Associations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)     Amanda 6.28.23
    • NOTES: There are 18,600+ comments on this video. It is likely impossible to go through them all, but having gone through the first few hundred myself, there is possible potential to reach out to certain individuals; I.e.: @Johnthecomedion
    • As a law student, one of my lifelong goals is to dismantle as many HOA’s as I possibly can.
    • This comment has in itself received 12,000 likes and 496 replies.
    • There are other commenters that note battles currently being fought or past battles won or lost.

2. Website List (If there are no notes, need to check)

  • Association Evaluation  https://associationevaluation.com/
  • Care2Petitions.com   HOA  https://www.thepetitionsite.com/883/541/480/petition-to-make-homeowners-associations-illegal/   NOTE:  don’t sign the petitions because then you cant get back in to read the comments and connect with the people.
  • Colorado HOA Forum  www.coloradohoaforum.com  Amanda 7/17/23 – pending, e-mail sent to make contact; I inquired if they are willing to join up and share resources, membership info, etc.
  • HOA Talk https://www.hoatalk.com/        Amanda Checked 7/3/23: Members-only website that offers a forum and other support for members of HOA boards (i.e. pro-HOA), but perhaps promising for information. See this page: https://www.hoatalk.com/HOATalkcomPreview/ and the listed topics, spec. “How Can They Do This?”
  • Plantation Park East HOA Has Got to Go! https://www.ppehoa.com/contact/ Amanda checked 7/3/23: NOTE: Some posts seem dated (2018/2019) and information/posts are a bit scattered. The site still seems to be somewhat active in that there was a media post as of 5/30/23. I have posted the link that includes the contact page. Scroll down past legislators’ information to find the form.  

3. Skip all Below All sites from here and below are sites we already found and don’t match with what we want. Read the list so that you don’t waste time researching the same sites.

  • Citizens for HOA Reform.  http://cfhoar.org   by Charles Williams   This is a real organization but they refuse to work with us, they flat out said they just want to help themselves that don’t care about anyone else.
  • NC HOA Reform https://www.facebook.com/groups/nchoareform  Refuse to work with us told us they don’t care about other people.

4. Dead/Not Relevant Websites

Dead/Not Relevant Facebook

Dead/Not Relevant LinkedIn

  • Condo Association (and HOA) Network  (All pro-HOA, no self-promotion rule)
  • Florida Condo & HOA Law (Hosted by a law firm)
  • Michigan Condominium & HOA Network  (Hosted by a pro-HOA attorney/CAI members)
  • Condo Association (and HOA) Vendor Board (Strictly for vendor/provider services)
  • Condo and HOA Law & Living No response / permit to access
  • /HOA Management Help No response / permit to access
  • Greater Florida Condo Association (and HOA) Subgroup No response / permit to access (Note: Hosted by a tech-oriented individual who shows up with a number of groups)

  • Dead/Not Relevant YouTube