Explanation of HRLNG National Group, State Communities, National and State Committees

I want to explain the purpose and concept of HRLNG and the relationship and strategy between the National HRLNG group, the State Communities and the State and National Committees . I will use Washington as an example.

HRLNG is the National group. The concept of HRLNG is to bring together and organize a nation effort to promote standard HOA laws across the USA that are for the benefit of the homeowners. There are efficiencies that can be achieved by working together as a national group. Membership drives, working with National organizations like AARP and The National Real Estate Association, etc., research of other HOA Reform Groups, and other similar actions on better served by a national group. So for these we create National Committees.

Some issues are better served by a State group, like writing, calling and meeting with State Legislators, researching the laws, proposing specific detailed language for Proposed Legislative Changes and other work that would only apply to the state. So for these we create State Committees.

It also makes sense to bring together all the people who are in one State, so their Legislative Committee knows who is in their State and who they should be asking to write emails or make phone calls to their State Legislators. So we made State Communities.

By following the Action Plan laid out in HRLNG, each individual will be contributing the maximum benefit for the entire country as well as their own state.

Each state group should post their group name and address on HRLNG every few weeks inviting all the members of HRLNG that are in that state to come to their group. Normally, I would have connected them anyway, but not all HRLNG members feel ready to join a state group right away.

Committee Chairs should also post on the Facebook Main Feed, when they need more members for their committee. It might be good to explain what you are doing, and what the person volunteering would be doing.

In general we ask volunteers to try to make a habit of putting in 15 minutes per day to further the work of their committee.