Content Requirements for Board Meeting Minutes
The following requirements shall apply to minutes from any and all meetings of the Board and committees with decision-making authority of the Association:
(a) The minutes shall include, without limitation, the following:
1. Type or kind of meeting;
2. Date, and time of meeting;
3. Place of meeting or specific remote meeting means or conferencing process;
4. Board and committee members present and absent and others present, including Owners;
5. Whether the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved – as read, or as corrected – and the date of the meeting;
6. Names and subjects of Guest and Owner speakers;
7. All notices of motions;
8. All motions, including the name of the member making the motion, and final wording and disposition of motions;
9. Facts as to whether a motion may have been debated or amended before disposition;
10. Number of votes for count ordered or ballot vote;
11. The full tellers’ report for voting by ballot;
12. Names and votes for roll-call vote or votes on significant matters;
13. Orders, decisions, or other actions taken;
14. All points of order and appeals with reasons given by the chair for ruling made;
15. Specific identification of reports (e.g. Treasurer, Committee), studies, communications, or other documents mentioned or discussed;
16. The complete substance of oral committee reports;
17. General description of matters discussed in prior executive session;
18. Action items;
19. Date of next meeting;
20. Time the meeting was adjourned; and
21. Secretary’s or President’s Signature.
(b) Notwithstanding the way a vote is taken, for all main motions and significant matters voted upon, meeting minutes shall provide a detailed description of the matter and shall disclose every Board member or committee member who voted or abstained, how they individually voted, and the reasons and bases for their vote or abstention.
(c) “Significant matters” shall include, without limitation, matters that concern:
1. Contracts that require payment by the Association that in total exceed ten percent (10%) of the annual budget of the Association, including reserves, or are not fully performed within one (1) calendar year after being awarded;
2. Revenues or expenses that in total exceed ten percent (10%) of the annual budget of the Association, including reserves;
3. The transfer of reserve funds;
4. Fines;
5. Foreclosure actions;
6. Enforcement actions;
7. Yearly total legal expenses greater than five thousand dollars ($5,000);
8. Commencement of any court action against any party in the name of the Association;
9. Increases in assessments;
10. Levying of special assessments;
11. Annual budget;
12. Lending or borrowing money;
13. Adoption or amendment of a dedicatory instrument;
14. Sale or purchase of real property;
15. Insurance;
16. Construction of capital improvements;
17. Repair, replacement, or enhancement of existing capital improvements; and
18. Individual rights.
(d) A written finding shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board for the transfer of reserve funds explaining the reasons that the transfer is needed and describing when and how the money will be repaid to the reserve fund.
(e) The minutes of an emergency meeting shall state the reason necessitating the emergency meeting.